All Town of Osoyoos beaches, parks, playgrounds, and trails are now designated smoke-free. 

Please click on the links below to locate any of the many public parks, beach accesses, trails and public facilities located in town:

Park Washroom Hours

Dogs in Parks

Dogs are welcome year-round in most Osoyoos parks, provided they are under control on a leash. However, for those times when your dog has extra energy, is looking to mingle, or needs to cool off with a swim, we are happy to offer a year-round off-leash dog park and four dog friendly swimming areas! In addition sẁiẁs Provincial Park (Haynes Point) also offers a dog swimming area.

Clean-up bag dispensers and garbage cans are located at each of these locations and in parks and trails throughout Osoyoos.

For more information on dogs in parks, please refer to the following municipal bylaw:
Animal Control and Licensing Bylaw No. 1316