Restricted Dogs
The Town is reminding all dog owners of their responsibilities and requirements under the bylaw and providing notice that the rules for Restricted Dog breeds are actively enforced. Animal and Control of Dogs Bylaw No. 1316, 2016
Off-Leash Dog Park
Located at the West Bench Complex next to Osoyoos Secondary School, the off-leash dog park is a fully enclosed former ball diamond where dogs of all sizes can enjoy running free of a leash. The Off-Leash Dog Park is connected to the Irrigation Canal Trail. Parking is available on-site. Click here for Off-Leash Dog Park's rules and guidelines.
Goodman Park dog swimming area
The Goodman Park dog swimming area is located along Lakeshore Drive at Bayview Crescent and Lake Osoyoos. Benches, picnic tables, and full-service washrooms are located on site. This is the perfect place to stop for a swim when taking your dog for a walk along Lakeshore Walkway!
Gyro Park dog swimming area
Tucked behind the Osoyoos Museum, you and your dog will love this secluded swimming area in Gyro Park. Please note that dogs are not permitted anywhere else (with the exception of the walkway) in Gyro Park from June through August. Parking and washrooms are available on-site.
Legion Beach dog swimming area
Leach beach located on Kingfisher Drive offers a nice sandy beach and is centrally located to the down town area. A designated area is provided on the east side of the beach for your dog to cool off.
Lions Park dog swimming area
The north end of Lions Park features a dog swimming area. Enjoy some shade as your dog enjoys a swim. Parking and washrooms are available on-site. Please contain your dog to the north end of the park June through August.
sẁiẁs Provincial Park (Haynes Point)
sẁiẁs Provincial Park (Haynes Point) features a dog swimming area east of the day-use area. Parking and washrooms are available on-site. For more information, please visit the sẁiẁs Provincial Park (Haynes Point) website.